


Vision in the Kingdom of God is Sight. It’s seeing as God sees. Without sight, we are walking blindly. The bible teaches us that without vision the people perish or are unrestrained. One must start with accurate vision or sight (God's), otherwise our primary purpose will be incorrect. This series is designed to give us a reference point for what it means to live by faith (sight of the unseen) and to help us to ask the question, what vision am I living from? The Elders Discipleship Notes are designed to dig deeper to help build and equip us as we lead those around us. Click the title to view the notes.


  1. Vision
  2. The Unseen Realm
  3. Raised Us Up
  4. Eternal Food
  5. Who Opens Our Eyes
  6. Sight Empowers Christ Like Living
  7. Vision Manifests the Future in Our Present
  8. Walking in Alignment
  9. Recap
  10. The Church is Built According To a Pattern
  11. Spiritual Blindness has us Seeing the Wrong Thing
  12. Where Does Your Reverence For God Come From
  13. Our Faith Rests On God
  14. Speak & Write Down What We See
  15. Seeing in the Natural But Not in the Spirit See